Goods imports from China

Merchandise imports all kinds of China

The People's Republic of China since 2013, the largest commodity traders in the world, is next to Germany, India and the United States largest economy in the world. Each year, China recorded substantial growth in the economy and has evolved from an agrarian state to a super economic power.
Many of the goods consumed in Germany recently come from the Middle Kingdom.
When importing, and possibly also when you export your goods to / from China, we are glad to help.
List of goods imports from China:
  • Car parts (e.g.: Brake calipers, brake discs, drive calipers, drive shafts, compressors, intercoolers, tyres, etc.).
  • Clothes, shoes, bags
  • Electronics, electrical appliances (eg cameras, cell phones, hi-fi equipment, TV devices, game consoles, memory cards, hard drives, laptops, tablets)
  • Building materials (foam, granite, marble, polystyrene)
  • Commodities (rice, sunflower oil, plastic, wood, tar, feed)
  • Household items (bedding, curtains, crockery, cutlery, etc.)
  • Furniture (tables, chairs, beds, cabinets, etc.)
  • Machines (laser systems, CNC milling systems, production systems, engines, tractors)
  • Vehicles (cars, trucks, motorcycles, Quad's, e-bikes, Volkswagen)
  • Food (rice, potatoes, poultry, beef, fish, pork)
Towns and ports in China, which are run prefers:
  • Shanghai
  • Hong Kong
  • Fujian
  • Zhejiang
  • Hunan
  • Jiangsu
We undertake customs clearance on request incl. The completion of all formalities, so that your goods can import smoothly and reliably (builds of documents and certificates).

Request Form goods imported from China (commercial)
Should you have any questions about the goods imported from China, then please contact us. Our experts will be happy to help you!

TSM Germany GmbH
Norderelbstrasse 15
20457 Hamburg

Phone + 49- (0) 40-49 29 38-0
Fax + 49- (0) 40-49 29 38-29
Fill out our inquiry form. We will be subsequently available.

Callback service
Fill out our callback service. We will then call back as requested.

Click on our network to see which ports are served by TSM.

Partners:Apollo Cargo Alliance
Forwarding for international transportImport export QatarCollected transport Poland
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